Vigilant achieve ISO22301 Business Continuity Certification

In support of our drive for enhanced operational procedures, we have been working hard behind the scenes to strengthen our business continuity processes.

We are extremely proud to announce that in March all our hard work paid off with the achievement of ISO22301 Business Continuity Management certification.  ISO22301 is a much sought-after addition to our integrated quality management system which comprises of ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO 45001.

As our clients review the resilience of their supply chain, we prioritised BCM as an essential business tool for the future. Achieving this certification cements our ability to ensure that business continuity is never compromised or disrupted. Providing our clients with the reassurance that protection of their property, assets and people will be maintained in any instance, mitigating loss of revenue and minimising reputational damage.

Having a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) in place allows Croma Vigilant to maintain key activities in the face of disruptive challenges. We have carried out a full impact analysis of all key business activities and eradicated all single point dependencies, developing comprehensive emergency plans across the business.  Each team within head office has compiled business continuity plans and business impact analysis documents, which ensure that each business area is able to maintain its own critical activities in the event of an emergency situation, thus reducing any disruption to services.

In addition to the above, we have implemented and introduced the following to enhance the strength of our business continuity strategy:

Emergency Response Team

An emergency response team is now in place and is equipped to deal with and co-ordinate any emergency situation or event which may cause any disruption to service.  The emergency response team meet on a quarterly basis and review incident plans (if applicable) and carry out scenario training to ensure all existing documentation is still effective in the event of an emergency situation.

Business Continuity Manager

A business continuity manager was appointed to manage the accreditation process and now has the responsibility of ensuring the BCMS is being continually developed within the business.

Business Continuity Champions

Business continuity champions have been appointed within each team and are responsible for ensuring ongoing compliance with the ISO22301 standard within their respective teams.

Risk Management Group

A risk management group is also in place and meets on a quarterly basis to review all existing corporate risks and identify any new risks to the business. These are recorded within our centrally held risk register.

Croma Vigilant have worked extremely hard behind the scenes to achieve this certification and in doing so have committed to protecting service delivery in any emergency situation.

It has also allowed us to develop our employee’s confidence in dealing with every eventuality that may threaten business continuity. It has provided valuable business data and ensures we mitigate against all financial risk.

However, ultimately it even has the potential to save lives, ensuring that we have plans and procedures in place and confident team leaders in place for Croma Vigilant, our clients and our employees.

If anyone would like any further information on business continuity within the company, please contact head office on 01387 247842 to speak with one of our business continuity champions.